Centre for Construction Research (CCR)
The CCR acts as a one-stop centre or a platform to promote and conduct research activities pertaining to the built environment. Following TAR UMT research, development, and commercialisation initiative, CCR also acts as a drive to explore new ideas and possibilities, to deliver end products / techniques, and to nurture entrepreneurs-cum-researchers.
To become an active and dynamic research centre in carrying out research / projects pertaining to the built environment.
The CCR is devoted to the fulfilment of scholarly and academic activities including, but not limited to the following:
Secure long and/or short research/industry projects.
Attract internal and external research/project collaboration (academia and industry).
Promote and facilitate the postgraduate studies in the Built Environment programme.
Promote the circulation of knowledge and experience within and outside TAR UMT.
Encourage the involvement of academic staff and students in research/projects.
Promote and facilitate research activities/projects.
Our Focus & Activities
The CCR explores and is open to any forms of collaboration with the AEC industry, universities, and researchers in R&D, training, teaching, and learning. Activities include the identification of specific research areas in the form of brain-storming sessions, training sessions, workshops, and seminars.
SOURCE: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
AUTHORS: Muhammad Tarique Lakhiar, Shalini Sanmargaraja, AbdulLateef Olanrewaju, Choong Hooi Lim, Vignes Ponniah, Anselm Dass Mathalamuthu
SDG: 7
CITATION: Lakhiar, M.T., Sanmargaraja, S., Olanrewaju, A. et al. Energy retrofitting strategies for existing buildings in Malaysia: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis. Environ Sci Pollut Res 31, 12780–12814 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-32020-x
This paper comprehensively examines passive and active energy retrofit strategies as a highly effective approach for reducing building energy consumption and mitigating CO2 emissions while enhancing comfort and sustainability. The paper further examines energy simulation software and assesses the integration of renewable energy systems in building to improve energy efficiency. The review used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology, ensuring a rigorous and comprehensive analysis. In addition, the study utilized bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer to provide valuable insights into the research trends and influential publications in building energy retrofits. Bibliometric analysis reveals strong collaboration among 17 authors, emphasizing their significant contributions. Keywords like energy retrofitting and efficiency are prominent, indicating their importance in academic literature. Findings show passive strategies are more effective in reducing energy consumption, though a combined approach with active strategies can yield optimal results. Retrofitting presents challenges, such as substantial initial costs and regulatory barriers. User acceptance is crucial, considering potential disruptions. The review highlights the importance of energy simulation software, with tools like EnergyPlus, eQUEST, and IES VE identified for evaluating and identifying cost-effective retrofit measures in building performance. By providing comprehensive insights into the various strategies and tools available for retrofitting buildings to achieve energy efficiency and sustainability goals, this review serves as an authoritative resource for building owners, managers, and professionals in the building industry. It offers invaluable guidance for informed decision-making and facilitates implementing effective, energy-efficient, and sustainable building retrofitting practices.
SOURCE: Journal of Cleaner Production
AUTHORS: Jiayi Lin, Tee How Tan, Jerome Song Yeo, Yingxin Goh, Tung-Chai Ling, Kim Hung Mo
SDG: 12
CITATION: Jiayi Lin, Tee How Tan, Jerome Song Yeo, Yingxin Goh, Tung-Chai Ling, Kim Hung Mo, Optimization of the manufacturing process and properties of alkali-activated palm oil fuel ash-based cold-bonded aggregates, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 437, 2024, 140714, ISSN 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.140714.
Tons of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) are currently being disposed of at landfills or left untreated in the environment, taking up valuable land space and posing significant hazard to the environment. To address this issue, this study investigates the production of artificial lightweight aggregates (LWAs) using POFA as a raw material through a cold-bonded one-part alkali-activation method. High-volume of weakly pozzolanic POFA and different combinations of GGBS (0%, 10%, 30%) as precursors, and Na2SiO3.5H2O (9% and 12%) as the activator were used to produce the artificial LWAs. The granulation process was systematically investigated, where the influence of granulation parameters (the ratio of POFA and GGBS, activator content, water content, rotation angle, and rotation speed) on granulation efficiency and granulation duration were evaluated. The physical properties including loose bulk density, water absorption, and crushing strength were also investigated. In addition, the phase change after alkali-activation was evaluated. Results showed that the water demand for the aggregates with different combination ranged from 0.3 to 0.46. Increasing the GGBS and Na2SiO3.5H2O content improved the granulation efficiency up to 87.4% and shortened the granulation duration to 7 min. Response surface methodology (RSM) modeling revealed that the optimum rotation angle and rotation speed were 55° and 50 rpm, respectively, resulting in a maximum granulation efficiency of 88.2%. The loose bulk density of POFA-based alkali-activated aggregates (PFAAs) was 595.4–730.3 kg/m3, meeting the requirement of LWAs in EN13055. After 28 days curing, the PFAAs with the GGBS replacement of 30% and 12% Na2SiO3.5H2O exhibited crushing strength and water absorption of 2.4 MPa and 22.4%, respectively. Moreover, a stronger alkali-activation was achieved with 30% GGBS replacement, which improved the performance of PFAAs, as evidenced by the phase analysis.
SOURCE: Construction and Building Materials
AUTHORS: Fengyi Zhang, Tee How Tan, Saznizam Sazmee Sinoh, Chung-Chan Hung, Kim Hung Mo
SDG: 12
CITATION: Fengyi Zhang, Tee How Tan, Saznizam Sazmee Sinoh, Chung-Chan Hung, Kim Hung Mo, Interaction of various parameters on the properties of semi-dry gypsum-based blocks produced by compression forming method, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 411, 2024, 134479, ISSN 0950-0618, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134479
The utilization of hemihydrate gypsum to produce blocks can be a more sustainable alternative to conventional cement concrete blocks. This study explores the fabrication of semi-dry gypsum-based blocks using the compression forming method to address the drawbacks associated with traditional blocks (clay block and cement concrete block) manufacturing processes, including high energy consumption and lengthy production time. However, the low mechanical strength, low water resistance, and high water absorption of gypsum-based blocks limit their application in construction. Therefore, in this study, semi-dry gypsum-based blocks were prepared using the compression forming method by investigating the interactions between the ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) content (0%, 20%, 45%), water-to-binder (w/b) ratio (0.20, 0.25, 0.30), and compaction pressure (CP) (10 MPa and 20 MPa). The compressive strength, water resistance, mineralogical composition, and microstructure of the produced gypsum-based blocks were investigated and compared with gypsum-based blocks without GGBS. It was found that adding GGBS can lead to formation of AFt and C-S-H gel when the water content reaches the required level for the reaction. These hydration products are beneficial to improve the compressive strength and water resistance. In addition, the porosity of the specimens was examined using water immersion and the mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) method. It was observed that when the w/b ratio is 0.25 or 0.30, a lower CP (10 MPa) should be applied. This is because higher CP (20 MPa) caused paste overflow during the forming process, resulting in undesirable pores having an adverse impact on the compressive strength. The optimal performance was obtained with GGBS content, w/b ratio, and CP at 20%, 0.25, and 10 MPa, respectively. In summary, the compression forming method could produce semi-dry gypsum-based blocks with adequate compressive strength (35.3 MPa) and water resistance (softening coefficient of 0.68).
SOURCE: Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
AUTHORS: Lee Yee Lin , Khoo Terh Jing, Chai Tze Qing , Ha Chin Yee
SDG: 9, 11
CITATION: https://doi.org/10.37934/araset.43.1.116
The purpose of this study is to explore the benefits and types of solar panels in the market that can encourage the building management team to adopt the solar energy usage in Malaysia. Solar energy has been long introduced to the industry as a practical renewable technology, but the adoption rate is still low in Malaysia due to the dependence on oil and fossil fuels. Thus, costs and benefits of solar energy application and the best solar panels to be used in Malaysia have been explored for practitioners’ reference to improve the adoption rate. Mixed method was adopted in this study. First, quantitative method was adopted where 200 sets of online questionnaire survey were distributed to the public to collect the information about the solar energy application. Next, a semi-structured interview was carried out to further investigate the reliability of collected data. Based on the findings of the questionnaires, the most significant benefits of solar energy are renewable and clean source of energy, eco-friendly, and cost saving. The results indicated that Mono-crystalline silicon cell is the most popular type of solar panel that widely used in Malaysia. However, the adoption of solar energy is low due to the high initial cost and insufficient knowledge and awareness among citizens. Through the results of this study, the adoption of solar energy can be doubled in future as the results reveal the factors and benefits that could help the policy makers to utilize the implementation of solar energy in residential buildings that massively consuming the energy in daily basis.
SOURCE: Malaysian Construction Research Journal
AUTHORS: Wong Foo Yeu, Yew Yee Fang
SDG: 8, 9
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been expanding and revolutionising the global construction industry. Many BIM studies focus on the adoption from different perspectives, but the BIM adoption level remains low. Most of the studies concentrate on top-down approaches, but there are limited studies that focus on bottom-up efforts from the employee level. Few studies have suggested that employee engagement is essential in ensuring the success of BIM adoption. The motivational factor in improving employee engagement is an important element in every business to determine how employees perform their work duties. It is crucial to understand the factors that motivate employees to drive their performance. This paper intends to analyse the existing literature on the motivational factors to improve employee engagement in an organisation and reveal their importance towards BIM adoption. Sixteen journal articles of relevant studies were carefully selected via the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The said journal articles are from prolific academic databases, namely Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and Emerald. A thematic analysis was conducted to identify the themes and sub-themes of the relevant topic. This paper proposes five main themes, which are work-life balance, training and career development, reward programme, management, and work environment, followed by twenty-five sub-themes suggested from these five themes. Several future directions and recommendations are proposed, such as conducting further research on realistic motivational factors to engage employees towards BIM adoption, narrowing down the search criteria in the context of region and professions, and conducting evidence-based research on the current development of BIM to escalate the proliferation of BIM.
SOURCE: Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
AUTHORS: Lee Yee Lin, Khoo Terh Jing, Chow Yan Thung, Ha Chin Yee
SDG: 9
CITATION: https://doi.org/10.37934/araset.43.2.220236
E-tendering implementation can bring significant benefits such as cost savings, transparency in contract and maximize the efficiency and resources to the construction industry. E-tendering also allows users to participate through internet where this increases the competition, lower down transaction cost and minimize the time consumption and errors in the bidding processes. This study determines the readiness level of E-tendering to the Malaysian construction industry so that the construction industries are capable to overcome the possible issues and enhance their implementation of E-tendering in Malaysia. The research applied mixed methodology. 89 respondents have participated in the questionnaire while five respondents were interviewed in the interview sessions. The results showed that E-tendering organization’s attitudinal readiness has several factors such as foresee the construction tendering practice trends, aware if the introduction of E-tendering is by the government, interested in E-tendering, foresee the increasingly importance of E-tendering to company and good knowledge of IT. The organization’s physical readiness has factors such as software facilities, network access, investment in IT, computer infrastructure and technical staff. The results can be used by policies makers to promote the adoption of E-tendering among the potential practitioners in Malaysia where this can improve the efficiency in construction projects tendering process.
SOURCE: Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
AUTHORS: Muhammad Tarique Lakhiar, Shalini Sanmargaraja, AbdulLateef Olanrewaju, Chong Hooi Lim, Vignes Ponniah, Anselm Dass Mathalamuthu
SDG: 7, 11
CITATION: Muhammad Tarique Lakhiar, Shalini Sanmargaraja, AbdulLateef Olanrewaju, Chong Hooi Lim, Vignes Ponniah, Anselm Dass Mathalamuthu, Evaluating and comparing objective and subjective thermal comfort in a malaysian green office building: A case study, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 60, 2024, 104614, ISSN 2214-157X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2024.104614.
This study examined thermal comfort in a sustainable office building in Malaysia, with the goal of understanding how objective environmental data relates to occupants' subjective experiences. The study utilized established thermal comfort models, such as the predicted mean vote (PMV), in conjunction with occupant surveys to evaluate the indoor environment. Objective data aligned with thermal comfort criteria, but subjective thermal sensation vote (TSV) showed a notable difference. The environment felt colder than anticipated by the occupants. This study emphasises the drawbacks of depending exclusively on conventional thermal comfort models, especially in tropical settings. The research emphasises the importance of considering individual variability (physiological and psychological), localised environmental variables, and potential adaptive comfort mechanisms impacted by regional climate. This research aims to develop a thorough understanding of green buildings' inside climates to inform design methods for achieving optimal thermal comfort, energy efficiency, and reduced carbon emissions. The results provide guidance on methods for emphasising occupant-centered design in sustainable buildings located in tropical areas. This study focuses on filling the knowledge gaps regarding the dynamics of thermal comfort in green buildings located in tropical regions. Combining empirical data with subjective feedback emphasises the need for design strategies that focus on occupant well-being in addition to energy efficiency goals.
SOURCE: Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
AUTHORS: Woei-Chyi Chai, Kuen-Wei Tham, Chin Tiong Cheng, Kim Wing Chong, Kai Yun Yeoh
SDG: 8, 11
CITATION: Chai, W.-C., Tham, K.-W., Cheng, C.T., Chong, K.W. and Yeoh, K.Y. (2024), "Impacts of macroeconomic factors during COVID-19 pandemic on property loan impairments and overhang: case study of Malaysia", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHMA-04-2024-0056
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the global economy, disrupting supply chains, causing job losses and altering consumer demand. In Malaysia, the real estate sector has been notably affected, with increased property impairments and overhang due to unprecedented uncertainty. Understanding these effects is crucial for policymakers and investors to prevent real estate and banking crises. This study aims to analyse the relationships between macroeconomic factors during the pandemic on property impairments and overhang, providing insights for maintaining macroeconomic stability. The findings will inform strategies for mitigating economic shocks, identifying opportunities, and guiding real estate policies in Malaysia and potentially globally.
SOURCE: ASEAN Engineering Journal
AUTHORS: Tan Kheng Soon, Ng Chiew Teng, Ng Teck Wei, Cheng Chin Tiong, Nurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas, Mohamad Shazwan Ahmad Shah
SDG: 9, 11
The usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in infrastructure projects has inclined drastic recently due to its benefits. However, there is a slowness in transition from conventional construction approach to new innovation. Besides, there are lots of issues in current practices such as cost overrun, dangerous, delay of time completion and lack of an overall comprehensive scientific system. Furthermore, although there was high level of awareness on the advantages of using UAVs, the Malaysian construction industry are still reluctant for the changes. In response, to overcome issues that the construction industry faces, such as infrastructure projects thus, this study aims to develop a conceptual framework for promoting the applications of UAV in Malaysia infrastructure projects. The methods adopted include explanatory sequential research methods. For instance, questionnaire surveys and interviews are used to collect quantitative and qualitative data, respectively. Besides that, a refined conceptual framework of the challenges and barriers of UAV adoption in Malaysia infrastructure projects were mainly contributed by the restrictive regulatory environment and industry point of view. For example, the privacy issues and guidelines on autonomous UAV and the industry lack of confidence in the adoption of UAV and education on the adoption of the UAV. In addition, it offers some solutions for the issues that have been revealed in the preliminary conceptual framework for the challenges on UAV adoption in Malaysia infrastructure projects. For instance, amaze the contractor with the final data from the UAV. Lastly, the identify solution served as a reference for other Malaysian construction stakeholders that have not used UAVs before. The recommendations for future scholarly research include the roles of UAV technology with other technologies such as Artificial Intelligent (AI) or integration of data with other software.
AUTHORS: Yee Jean Chai, Taufiq Ahmad Syauqi, Kumar Sudesh, Tan Leng Ee, Cheah Chee Ban, Amanda Chong Kar Mun, Elisabeth Marijke Anne Strain, Faradina Merican, Masazurah A. Rahim, Kaharudin Md Salleh, Chee Su Yin
SDG: 12, 14
CITATION: Chai, W.-C., Tham, K.-W., Cheng, C.T., Chong, K.W. and Yeoh, K.Y. (2024), "Impacts of macroeconomic factors during COVID-19 pandemic on property loan impairments and overhang: case study of Malaysia", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHMA-04-2024-0056
The expanding urbanization of coastal areas has led to increased ocean sprawl, which has had both physical and chemical adverse effects on marine and coastal ecosystems. To maintain the health and functionality of these ecosystems, it is imperative to develop effective solutions. One such solution involves the use of biodegradable polymers as bioactive coatings to enhance the bioreceptivity of marine and coastal infrastructures. Our study aimed to explore two main objectives: (1) investigate PHA-degrading bacteria on polymer-coated surfaces and in surrounding seawater, and (2) comparing biofilm colonization between surfaces with and without the polymer coating. We applied poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)) coatings on concrete surfaces at concentrations of 1% and 6% w/v, with varying numbers of coating cycles (1, 3, and 6). Our findings revealed that the addition of P(3HB) indeed promoted accelerated biofilm growth on the coated surfaces, resulting in an occupied area approximately 50% to 100% larger than that observed in the negative control. This indicates a remarkable enhancement, with the biofilm expanding at a rate roughly 1.5 to 2 times faster than the untreated surfaces. We observed noteworthy distinctions in biofilm growth patterns based on varying concentration and number of coating cycles. Interestingly, treatments with low concentration and high coating cycles exhibited comparable biofilm enhancements to those with high concentrations and low coating cycles. Further investigation into the bacterial communities responsible for the degradation of P(3HB) coatings identified mostly common and widespread strains but found no relation between the concentration and coating cycles. Nevertheless, this microbial degradation process was found to be highly efficient, manifesting noticeable effects within a single month. While these initial findings are promising, it’s essential to conduct tests under natural conditions to validate the applicability of this approach. Nonetheless, our study represents a novel and bio-based ecological engineering strategy for enhancing the bioreceptivity of marine and coastal structures. .
SOURCE: Materials Science Forum
AUTHORS: Johan Sohaili, Hon Siau Shi, Lavania-Baloo, Noorul Hassan Zardari, Noraziah Ahmad, Shantha Kumari Muniyandi
SDG: 13
CITATION: Johan Sohaili, Hon Siau Shi, Lavania-Baloo, Noorul Hassan Zardari, Noraziah Ahmad, Shantha Kumari Muniyandi, Removal of scale deposition on pipe walls by using magnetic field treatment and the effects of magnetic strength, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 139, 2016, Pages 1393-1399, ISSN 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.09.028.
Scale deposition on pipe walls is prevalent in water distribution systems and is difficult to remove. Commonly, chemical treatment is applied to remove the hard scale. However, it is detrimental to users' health and causes adverse environmental impacts. The need for clean water production for potable and other applications is essential. This study shows the application of magnetic water treatment as a safe and effective method for scale removal in water purification. Permanent magnets were installed in the designed treatment devices that consisted of pipes with scale deposition and the effect of magnetic field on scale reduction was monitored. The scale removal efficiency was evaluated based on calcium concentration in the outlet, after passing through the magnetic field. Magnetic strength was varied between 0.1 T to 0.4 T to investigate its effect on scale reduction. The morphology were analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscope. It was found that magnetic field enhanced scale removal from pipe walls by 46.7%. With respect to the increasing the magnetic field strength to 0.4 T, the efficiency of removal also increased to 30%. Possible mechanisms involved in the magnetic treatment that affects scale reduction such as the effect of magneto-hydrodynamics and magnetically modified hydration are discussed. Magnetic technology is a simple, cost-effective and environmentally friendly treatment approach for clean water production with significant scale removal efficiency. Magnetic treatment can be used either as a stand-alone technology or in water purification systems.
SOURCE: Materials Science Forum
AUTHORS: Gunalaan Vasudevan, Shantha Kumari Muniyandi, Gunavathy Kanniyapan, Lim Eng Hock
SDG: 13
CITATION: Vasudevan, G., Muniyandi, S. K., Kanniyapan, G., & Hock, L. E. (2024). Performance of the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Eco-Friendly Concrete Containing Glass Powder (GP) and Ground Granulated Blast Slag (GGBS). In Materials Science Forum (Vol. 1123, pp. 15–22). Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. https://doi.org/10.4028/p-s42uur
This study uses varying percentages of glass powder (GP) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) as partial replacements for Portland cement to investigate their effects on the behavior of the concrete’s mechanical and durability properties. Due to the adverse environmental impacts of cement manufacturing, there have been efforts to replace cement with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to reduce cement consumption while enhancing concrete performance. This study evaluates the effects of adding varying percentages of silica fume (SF) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) on the mechanical and durability properties of the modified concrete. It also evaluates their compressive, tensile, and flexural strength and conducts the Initial Surface Absorption Test (ISAT), carbonation test, and microstructure analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The research variables are partial cement replacement with varying percentages of 5%, 10%,
The Impacts of Urban Design on Community Well-Being with The Smart City Integration
SOURCE: Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal
AUTHORS: Intan Nazuha Abdullah, Alan Chong Kim Wing, Cheng Chin Tiong
SDG: 11
Purpose: The primary purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of urban design on community well-being and the integration of smart cities to emphasise long-term community planning. Design/methodology/approach: A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify publications addressing smart city integration’s effects on community well-being concerning urban design. SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect were accessed for relevant information, and fifty publications were evaluated in total. The publications contain various kinds of literature on the impacts of urban design on community well-being with smart city integration. The period of the review is from 2019 to 2023. After a thorough review, we will filter out literature with redundancy and deemed unsuitable. Findings: The findings revealed that community well-being focuses on urban people’s overall quality of life. In contrast, urban design emphasises urban areas’ physical layout and organisation to increase livability, and smart cities use technology to improve urban services and sustainability. Research limitations/implications: Through a rigorous, comprehensive review, this study depicts the impact of urban design on community well-being and the integration of smart cities to emphasise long-term community planning. Practical implications: This study offers several components used in community well-being, the impact of urban design and the integration of smart cities in the community. Originality/value: To the best of the author’s knowledge, little effort has been devoted to the impact of urban design on community well-being with the smart city integration. This research helps to close the gap.
SOURCE: Social Sciences and Humanities Open
AUTHORS: Chin Tiong Cheng, Hong Kok Wang, Gabriel Hoh Teck Ling, Phui Fung Wong, Felicia Yan Yan Yong, Chee Fui Wong
SDG: 11
CITATION: Chin Tiong Cheng, Hong Kok Wang, Gabriel Hoh Teck Ling, Phui Fung Wong, Felicia Yan Yan Yong, Chee Fui Wong, A systematic review of social capital in low-cost housing: A conceptual framework and lessons learned, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Volume 10, 2024, 101089, ISSN 2590-2911, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2024.101089.
There are perennial challenges facing the self-organisation (collective action) of low-cost (social) housing, particularly socioeconomic constraints, complexity in management, and insufficient stakeholder support. Despite numerous housing research focusing on the physical and institutional aspects to address the collective action dilemmas, detailed analyses of the roles of social capital are relatively few. Thus, this review attempts to elucidate and synthesize significant insights utilising Schwitter's social capital framework, focusing on factors conducive to the effective self-organisation of low-cost housing communities. To this end, the review process adhered to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, where twenty-eight (28) studies were ultimately selected for in-depth analysis. The review suggested that social capital, primarily discussed at two levels (individual and community) encompassing social networks, trustworthiness, and obligations, the collective impact of system control, system trust, and system morality, plays a role in overcoming poverty, overcoming passivity due to individual apathy, assisting local management in rules enforcement, cultivating social relations to transcend market-oriented organisation, and fostering collaboration with external stakeholders in community development. Apart from conceptualising social capital theories in low-cost housing, the findings offer policy insights and practical strategies to policy-makers and local communities.
SOURCE: Journal of Building Engineering
AUTHORS: Solli Murtyas, Ren Qian, Takashi Matsuo, Ng Wai Tuck, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki, Aya Hagishima
SDG: 7
CITATION: Solli Murtyas, Ren Qian, Takashi Matsuo, Ng Wai Tuck, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki, Aya Hagishima, Thermal comfort in a two-storey malaysian terrace house: Are passive cooling methods sufficient in present and future climates?, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 96, 2024, 110412, ISSN 2352-7102, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110412.
Rising temperatures due to climate change will impact both the indoor thermal comfort of naturally-ventilated housing and the cooling energy needs of air-conditioned housing in tropical regions. This study aims to evaluate the impact of rising temperatures based on the IPCC A2 scenario on indoor thermal comfort and cooling energy in a typical Malaysian terrace house. It addresses three key questions: 1) Can passive cooling (PC) achieve future thermally acceptable conditions? 2) How will PC impact cooling energy with air conditioning (AC)? 3) What is the effectiveness of various PC methods, individually and combined, in controlling indoor climate and saving energy under present and future conditions? We evaluated the effectiveness of eight PC measures—including shading, insulation, solar reflectivity, and nighttime natural ventilation—using EnergyPlus simulations. Results indicate that without PC and AC, indoor temperatures range from 26 to 31 °C, rising to 29–36 °C by the 2050s, often exceeding ASHRAE 55 standards. Currently, combined PC and nighttime ventilation can improve thermal comfort time fraction by up to 87 %. However, by the 2050s, this drops to 38 %, indicating PC alone will be insufficient, and AC systems will be essential. Additionally, in an AC scenario, PC measures reduce cooling energy by 6 % compared to the baseline under future conditions, yet demand is 67 % higher than current conditions. These findings underscore the need for integrating both PC measures and efficient AC systems to mitigate future greenhouse gas emissions from residential sectors in Malaysia and other developing hot climate regions.
SOURCE: Case Studies in Construction Materials
AUTHORS: Jiayi Lin, Chee Lok Yong, Fengyi Zhang, Tee How Tan, Hendrik Simon Cornelis Metselaar, Hilal El Hassan, Kim Hung Mo
SDG: 12, 13
CITATION: Jiayi Lin, Chee Lok Yong, Fengyi Zhang, Tee How Tan, Hendrik Simon Cornelis Metselaar, Hilal El Hassan, Kim Hung Mo, Sorted municipal solid waste ash as cement substitute: A study on paper ash and food waste ash, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 20, 2024, e03329, ISSN 2214-5095, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e03329.
This study explores the feasibility of using sorted municipal solid waste, namely waste-derived paper ash (PA) and food waste ash (FWA) as partial cement substitute (0–15 %) in both paste and mortar. Although the introduction of PA and FWA into the mortar mix leads to a slight expansion of the blended cement paste, it is still compliant with the requirement of EN 197-1. Notably, PA has a significant impact on both the initial and final setting times of the cement paste, attributed to its high CaO content. On the other hand, FWA demonstrates better promise in term of strength consideration, with a lower extent of 7.2 % reduction compared to the control group at a 5 % cement substitution level. Besides that, the chloride content of the blended cement paste, with up to 15 % PA and FWA substitution, still adheres to the 0.1 % limit outlined in EN 196-2. In terms of environmental considerations, the raw materials of PA and FWA exceed the hazardous waste thresholds for certain elements (As, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu and Sb) as per UNE EN 12457-4 standards. However, when blended into cement mortar at a 15 % substitution level, these heavy metals exhibit significantly reduced concentrations, meeting the criteria for non-hazardous and even inert waste. In overall, this study suggests that utilizing sorted PA and FWA as cement substitute can offer a sustainable option. Despite observed reductions in compressive strength, these materials hold potential advantages in terms of environmental impact mitigation and waste management.
SOURCE: Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ)
AUTHORS: Muhammad Tarique Lakhiar, Shalini Sanmargaraja, AbdulLateef Olanrewaju, Chong Hooi Lim, Vignes Ponniah, Anselm Dass Mathalamuthu
SDG: 7, 11
The escalating global environmental crisis has intensified the focus on sustainable building practices. In response, numerous nations have developed green building rating systems to evaluate and certify environmentally friendly structures. Green Building Information Modelling (Green BIM) has emerged as a promising approach to integrating sustainability principles throughout the building lifecycle. By providing a digital representation of the building and its performance, Green BIM enables comprehensive analysis, optimization, and decision-making to achieve sustainable outcomes. However, the full potential of Green BIM has not yet been realized due to challenges in integrating sustainability measures within the BIM design process. This research aims to explore the application of Green BIM across the entire building lifecycle, from design to operation. By investigating its capabilities, limitations, and opportunities, this study contributes to advancing the knowledge and practice of sustainable building through the effective utilization of Green BIM.
SOURCE: Journal of Advanced Research in Applied
Sciences and Engineering Technology
AUTHORS: Lee Yee Lin, Khoo Terh Jing, Ha Chin Yee, Lee Ray Re
SDG: 9
CITATION: https://doi.org/10.37934/araset.34.2.169186
Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in delivering construction projects had negatively impacted the industry for decades. However, the emergence of building information modeling (BIM) technology had influenced the construction process with its many benefits toward project success. BIM benefits included reduced project time and cost, improved team collaboration and communication, and improved project quality and performance. Consequently, BIM applications were claimed to provide more reliable working practices for quantity surveyors (QS), especially in establishing their cost estimates. Despite the well-known benefits that spurred BIM employment around the world, the usage of BIM software in Malaysia was still in its infancy, requiring greater deployment by the QS. Furthermore, the literature was scarce in comparing the use of BIM software by large organizations and Small-and-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). As a result, the primary goal of this study was to identify the numerous challenges associated with the adoption of BIM software in both large and SME quantity surveying consultancy firms. Apart from that, this paper identified the availability of BIM software in the construction sector as well as the use of BIM software in those consultancy businesses. A quantitative technique was used, with 393 questionnaire survey forms issued to Malaysian QUANTITY SURVEYING consultant businesses. The data was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to generate a reliable and valid result. According to the findings, Cubicost software was the most popular software used by QS specialists. Notably, the results revealed that SMEs face greater challenges than large organizations, particularly those connected to professional help, finance, and time, as well as technical issues. Because large corporations and SMEs differed in nature, this study could provide new insights to policymakers in aiding companies of various sizes in their BIM transformation process. The findings called for more policymakers to work together to improve practitioners' understanding of BIM-based technology. The difficulties of SMEs must be recognized, and policymakers must bridge the gap between large and SMEs to bring Malaysia's construction industry one step closer to a new era of digitalization.
SOURCE: Journal of Materials Research and Technology
AUTHORS: Yanyan Chen, Chuanlong Zou, Chee Lok Yong, Richard Juat Shin Jan, Tee How Tan, Jiayi Lin, Kim Hung Mo
SDG: 9, 12, 13
CITATION: Yanyan Chen, Chuanlong Zou, Chee Lok Yong, Richard Juat Shin Jan, Tee How Tan, Jiayi Lin, Kim Hung Mo, Utilization of waste glass as precursor material in one-part alkali-activated aggregates, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 33, 2024, Pages 5551-5558, ISSN 2238-7854, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2024.10.204.
The increasing demand for glass products has led to a rise in waste glass (WG), which is commonly disposed of in landfills, causing environmental degradation. Moreover, the direct adoption of a high volume of WG as aggregates in concrete can lead to unfavorable ASR expansion due to its high level of reactive silica. This study explores a one-part alkali activation method to produce WG-based aggregates, aiming to reduce the reactive silica content, mitigate ASR expansion and increase the recycling rate of WG. Waste glass powder (WGP) with a replacement ratio of 100% was combined with two different alkalis (sodium metasilicate pentahydrate (Na2SiO3.5H2O) and sodium aluminate (NaAlO2)) through the cold-bonded one-part alkali activation method to produce WG-based alkali-activated aggregates (WG-AAAs). The influence of various activator contents (0%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15%) on the physical and mechanical properties of the WG-AAAs was investigated. The WG-AAAs had a bulk density ranging from 920 to 1010 kg/m3, which can be classified as lightweight aggregates. The WG-AAAs with 12% NaAlO2 showed the best performance, with a water absorption of 8.46% and single particle crushing strength of 3.19 MPa. SEM-EDS and XRD results indicated that WG-AAAs with the supply of alumina from NaAlO2 exhibited a lower Si/Al ratio, leading to the formation of C-(N)-A-S-H gel, which improved the strength and creating a denser microstructure. Furthermore, the WG-AAAs showed no ASR expansion concerns, conforming to the expansion limit specified in ASTM C1260.
SOURCE: Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
AUTHORS: Andi Taufan, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki, Ng Wai Tuck, Nor’Azizi Othman, Hom Bahadur Rijal
SDG: 7, 11
CITATION: Taufan, A. ., Zaki, S. A. ., Tuck, N. W. ., Othman, N. ., & Rijal, H. B. . (2024). Cooling Period Strategies in an Intermittent Usage Building: A Case Study of a Mosque in the Tropical Climate of Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 123(2), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.123.2.110
Mosques are used five times a day according to the prayer schedule, which follows the sun's position. Indoor thermal conditions in air-conditioned mosques are maintained with a cooling time pattern that follows prayer times. Therefore, an effective air conditioning operating strategy is needed for energy efficiency. This study aims to investigate the effect of air conditioning intermittent operation time strategies on the energy usage of a mosque. It involves reducing the cooling period before prayer time and swapping active air conditioning periods from pre-prayer calls to post-prayer in the base case. Field measurements in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur (UTMKL) mosque and simulation using DesignBuilder software were conducted to predict annual specific energy consumption. The results indicate a reduction in specific energy consumption of 5% by operating the air conditioning 10 minutes before the call to prayer. Shifting the pre-prayer call-post prayer cooling period results in an insignificant reduction in energy consumption of 0.3-0.6%; however, it can accommodate extended periods of comfortable conditions for people who perform prayers outside of congregational prayers on time. Furthermore, the results indicate that the cooling period after the prayer time affects the cooling load of the following prayer. This study provides information for architects, engineers, and other stakeholders towards improving energy consumption in religious buildings with intermittent occupancy.
SOURCE: International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
AUTHORS: Woei-Chyi Chai, Kuen-Wei Tham, Chin Tiong Cheng, Kim Wing Chong, Kai Yun Yeoh
SDG: 11, 16
CITATION: Chai, W.-C., Tham, K.-W., Cheng, C.T., Chong, K.W. and Yeoh, K.Y. (2024), "Impacts of macroeconomic factors during COVID-19 pandemic on property loan impairments and overhang: case study of Malaysia", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHMA-04-2024-0056
Purpose – The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the global economy, disrupting supply chains, causing job losses and altering consumer demand. In Malaysia, the real estate sector has been notably affected, with increased property impairments and overhang due to unprecedented uncertainty. Understanding these effects is crucial for policymakers and investors to prevent real estate and banking crises. This study aims to analyse the relationships between macroeconomic factors during the pandemic on property impairments and overhang, providing insights for maintaining macroeconomic stability. The findings will inform strategies for mitigating economic shocks, identifying opportunities, and guiding real estate policies in Malaysia and potentially globally. Design/methodology/approach – This research article uses a time series ARDL regression analysis to examine pivotal macroeconomic factors including income, housing process, interest rates and unemployment on property loan impairments and property supply overhang in Malaysia. ARDL is effective to measure and analyse time series data, especially to understand the lagged impacts of macroeconomic factors. This can be seen by various economists in analysing macroeconomic factors affecting non-performing loans or the real estate finance using regression analyses both in Malaysia and other regions. The observations are gathered before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, spanning a five-year period with monthly frequency from 2018 to 2022. Findings – The study emphasizes the critical importance of effectively managing unemployment and implementing policy interventions, such as moratoriums, to stabilize the economy and reduce the risk of loan impairments during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, this study highlights a significant inverse relationship between income per capita and loan impairments, underscoring the necessity for policies that promote economic growth and income equality. Initiatives targeting job creation, education and skills development can elevate income levels, thereby decreasing loan impairments. Lower lending interest rates during the pandemic also help mitigate the risk of loan impairments by facilitating borrowing, stimulating economic activity and enhancing financial well-being. Furthermore, the study suggests that while lower interest rates incentivize property developers and investors, understanding the intricate interaction between housing prices and supply is crucial for policymakers and stakeholders to effectively manage the housing market and ensure adequate housing supply, especially during crises. Research limitations/implications – This paper provides insight for policymakers, regulators, investors and property consultants into the dynamic effects of key macroeconomic factors amidst a global recession in how they impact the real estate market with regards specifically to all types of property loan impairments and property supply overhang. The observations are limited to the COVID-19 period, spanning five years with monthly data from 2018 to 2022. This understanding can facilitate the development of targeted strategic monetary policies and investment decisions in case of future recessions. Practical implications – Policymakers should prioritize initiatives such as moratoriums and job creation programs to mitigate economic downturns. Additionally, financial institutions need to adjust lending practices in response to lower interest rates, while stakeholders in the housing market must understand the complex dynamics between housing prices and supply to ensure a balanced market. Overall, addressing underlying economic factors and implementing targeted policies are essential for building resilience and promoting sustainable economic growth amidst challenging circumstances. Social implications – Initiatives aimed at fostering income equality, creating employment opportunities and ensuring housing accessibility contribute to greater social cohesion and well-being. By promoting financial inclusion and building resilience to crises, societies can mitigate the adverse social impacts of economic challenges such as unemployment and housing affordability. Overall, addressing socioeconomic disparities and promoting inclusive growth are essential for fostering a more equitable and resilient society. Originality/value – The originality and uniqueness of this study lie in its comprehensive analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on loan impairments and housing supply. While previous studies have focused on the pandemic’s effects on specific segments of the real estate market or property prices, this study provides a broad overview of its impact on property loan impairments and housing supply overhang. Finally, this study highlights the social and practical implications. Overall, this study offers a distinctive analysis of COVID-19’s impact on the real estate market and its implications for policymakers, real estate professionals and investors.
SOURCE: Planning Malaysia: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners
AUTHORS: Norulelin Huri, Zarita Ahmad @ Baharum, Ting Kien Hwa, Yasmin Mohd Adnan, Noor Farhana Akrisha Ishak
SDG: 3
CITATION: Huri, N., Ahmad @ Baharum, Z., Hwa, T. K., Mohd Adnan, Y., & Ishak, N. F. A. (2024). A CONCEPTUAL PAPER ON STIGMATISED DIMENSION TOWARDS RESIDENTIAL OVERHANG. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 22(32). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v22i32.1514
Property stigma refers to some characteristics, features, social values, or an event relating to land and buildings that can create a negative perception of a building, land, project, or neighbourhood area. It was identified as a significant factor contributing to the number of overhang residential units in Malaysia. This paper aims to develop a Conceptual Framework of a stigmatized dimension model for residential overhang properties that can assist the decision-making of the property market players (developers, planners, and property consultants). This study utilizes a desktop analysis that reviews previous scholars' conceptual frameworks. The conceptual paper develops four (4) stigma-related variables: Environmental stigma, phenomena stigma, neighbourhood stigma, and structural stigma. However, it is not an empirical investigation of property overhang since this paper needs to review in detail all the factors that influence the property overhang. The proposed conceptual framework will provide valuable insights into the stigmatized dimension of property overhang from the buyer's perspective. This paper provides an essential conceptual framework that will assist the property market players enhance their housing development and sales strategy, thereby increasing the bottom line. Subsequently, this will improve the property market efficiency and meet the demand and supply requirements.
SOURCE: International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science
AUTHORS: Sr Dr Tham Kuen-wei, Chai Woei-Chyi, Dr Cheng Chin-Tiong, Dr Alan Chong Kim-Wing, Pang Khai-Shuen
SDG: 8, 10, 11
CITATION: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2024.8120172
Purpose – This study seeks to assess the global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the real estate market. The results will offer valuable insights into potential impacts on macroeconomic stability, as well as provide an overview of current trends and existing literature in relation to the real estate market. These insights can aid policymakers, investors, and consumers in implementing measures to alleviate economic disruptions, counter adverse effects, and pinpoint fresh opportunities within the global real estate markets. Design/Methodology/Approach – This research article is based on a review of the literature on the impact of COVID-19 on the real estate market in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The literature review includes academic articles and industry reports. The data and information from these sources were analyzed and synthesized to provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of COVID-19 on the real estate market in the three regions. At the same time, trend analyses are conducted on the property prices in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Thailand, the United States and UK before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Trend analysis emerges as a robust methodology for scrutinizing residential property prices owing to its inherent advantages. Its protracted time horizon allows for the examination of price fluctuations over extended periods, elucidating enduring market dynamics including economic cycles. Findings – The study provides a nuanced view of the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the property market. It highlights that different countries have experienced varying effects, with some seeing declines in housing prices while others observe an increase. The research emphasizes the crucial role of macroeconomic stability in the real estate market and underscores the need for effective policies to mitigate economic shocks. Examining cases like China and Korea, the study demonstrates that swift government responses, through macroeconomic surveillance and implementation of stimulating policies, have successfully protected and boosted the real estate market, leading to positive price trends. This underscores the importance of proactive macroeconomic surveillance and prudent policies for safeguarding and promoting the real estate market during global crises. Conversely, instances in Italy and Spain illustrate that recessions can generate economic uncertainty and job losses, resulting in a decrease in property prices. To counteract this, governments and regulators should consider measures like guaranteed wage subsidies, job creation initiatives, and unemployment insurance to stimulate the real estate market and restore public confidence. Regarding market trends and behaviours, the research identifies a growing demand for residential properties with larger spaces in countries such as China, Singapore, the US, Germany, and France. Conversely, the hospitality and commercial property sectors, including offices and hotels, have been consistently negatively impacted by the pandemic across many countries. The study also highlights improvements in safety procedures and building management due to the pandemic. Furthermore, there is a notable shift in preferences towards online business operations and working from home, leading to an increased demand for industrial and logistical properties compared to retail and commercial spaces. Additionally, there is a rising interest in suburban and single-family homes, creating a new market opportunity for developers as more buyers and consumers express a preference for living in suburban areas with larger living spaces. Lastly, residential property prices in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Thailand, the US and UK showed similar trends before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic where all prices dropped before a rebound after the pandemic ended. Research Limitations/Implications – This study has several limitations that warrant consideration. Firstly, it relies on a review of existing literature, industry reports, and news articles, potentially missing some nuances in the impact of COVID-19 on the real estate market. Secondly, the ongoing nature of the pandemic means that its long-term effects remain uncertain, making it possible that the study's findings may not accurately predict future trends in the real estate market. Furthermore, the study's scope is limited to specific countries in three regions (US, Europe, and Asia), and the impact of COVID-19 on the real estate market may differ in other global regions. Lastly, potential biases in data collection and reporting could affect the representativeness of the data used in this study. As a result, it is important to interpret the findings with caution, and further research is needed for a comprehensive understanding of COVID-19's impact on the real estate market. Practical Implications – The research underscores the critical role of policymakers in addressing unemployment through strategic measures such as guaranteed wage subsidies, job creation policies, and unemployment insurance. These initiatives not only stimulate the real estate market but also reinstate public confidence. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of tackling underlying economic issues and deploying tailored policies to foster resilience and sustainable economic growth amid adversity. Additionally, it identifies a growing preference for suburban and single-family homes, presenting a lucrative market opportunity for developers to capitalize on this trend and cater to the increasing demand for larger living spaces in suburban areas. Social Implications – The study underscores the social implications of policymakers prioritizing initiatives to combat unemployment and control housing prices. By implementing measures such as guaranteed wage subsidies, job creation policies, and unemployment insurance, communities can experience not only economic revitalization but also enhanced social cohesion and well-being. The restoration of public confidence in the real estate market can lead to increased stability and prosperity for individuals and families. Additionally, controlling housing prices ensures accessibility and affordability, fostering inclusive communities and reducing socioeconomic disparities. The rising demand for suburban and single-family homes reflects evolving lifestyle preferences, highlighting the importance of urban planning and development strategies that prioritize community needs and aspirations for spacious living environments. Thus, addressing unemployment through targeted policies while also controlling housing prices can have profound social implications, promoting inclusive growth and sustainable urban development. Originality/Value – This study stands out for its extensive examination of COVID-19's effects on the real estate market in the US, Europe, and Asia. While prior research has concentrated on specific segments or regions, this study offers a comprehensive view of how various sectors and regions worldwide have been impacted. Additionally, the study sheds light on the societal and practical consequences of the pandemic on the real estate market, offering valuable insights for adapting to evolving consumer demands and addressing socio-economic concerns. In summary, this research presents a distinctive perspective on COVID-19's influence on the real estate market, offering valuable implications for policymakers, real estate professionals, and investors.
SOURCE: Journal of Architecture, Planning and Construction Management
AUTHORS: Pang Ling Xiang, Alice Sabrina Ismail, Siti Sara Binti Mohd Ariff
SDG: 4
CITATION: Xiang, P. L., Ismail, A. S. ., & Mohd Ariff, S. S. . (2024). MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM ON LEARNING THROUGH PLAY (LTP) APPROACH THROUGH QUALITY LEARNING SPACES DESIGN. Journal of Architecture, Planning and Construction Management, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.31436/japcm.v14i1.876
Learning through play (LTP) has emerged as an integral part of the early childhood education system and has profound impacts on children’s learning and holistic skills development. Throughout Montessori history, play has been applied as a learning approach in the Montessori classroom. Quality spatial design is beneficial to support LTP in preschool. However, LTP isn’t integrated effectively into formal preschool in Malaysia as the spatial design of preschool does not support children’s play. Furthermore, there is a dearth of evidence on how LTP can be employed effectively in quality spatial learning environments where the workforce’s training and curriculum development are mainly concerned. The focus of this paper is to evaluate how spatial learning environments in Montessori preschools support LTP as curricula that may emerge across preschools in Malaysian contexts. This paper adopts interpretivism to frame the overall research and implements case studies through explanation building supported by data collection from document analysis and observation on spatial design of two case studies of Montessori preschools which are based upon prominent and established Montessori preschools in a global context. The findings are analyzed with a comparative analysis method based on the determinants of the spatial design features: - articulated space and form; outdoor learning space; social spaces; personalized environment; and anthropometric design, which are supported by Gibson’s Theory of Affordance. Findings indicate that the quality learning space design to support LTP, and open-plan design space is important because of having flexible partitions for creating different areas and integrating with the dynamic external learning environment. Besides, the furniture and facilities all are child-size. Therefore, children are freely moving around and actively involved in either group or individual work. This study is beneficial to designers, educators, and policymakers as it highlights the role of LTP pedagogy in spatial design for developing children’s play behavior patterns in preschool for Malaysia’s future education.
SOURCE: Proceedings of the 12th World Construction Symposium
AUTHORS: Shalini Sanmargaraja , Jagadish Rau Bandirau, AbdulLateef Olanrewaju, Vignes Ponniah, Anselm Dass Mathalamuthu, Gunavathy Kanniyapan
SDG: 8, 11
CITATION: Sanmargaraja, S., Bandirau, J. R., Olanrewaju, A., Ponniah, V., Mathalamuthu, A.D. and Kanniyapan, G., 2024. Issues on foreign labourer's productivity on green buildings in Selangor, Malaysia. In: Sandanayake, Y.G., Waidyasekara, K.G.A.S., Ranadewa, K.A.T.O. and Chandanie, H. (eds). Proceedings of the 12th World Construction Symposium, 9-10 August 2024, Sri Lanka. pp. 687-697. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31705/WCS.2024.54.
Malaysia is Asia's largest net labour importer, suggesting that the construction sector is significantly reliant on foreign labour, primarily from Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Bangladesh. Foreign labourers are needed to fill labour shortages caused by locals' reluctance to seek jobs in the construction sector. The demand for green buildings escalates the demand for foreign labour. However, there are criticisms of the performance of green buildings on account of accidents on sites, poor workmanship, and project delays. Hence, this research investigates the nature of foreign labourers in the construction of green buildings. In 2021, a total of 100 surveys were administered during the construction of the green building in Selangor, yet only 80 were returned, resulting in an 80% response rate. Based on the results, it is found that the industry's reliance on foreign immigrants arose because of its labour-intensive and dirty, hazardous, and difficult nature, which discourages the locals. The results of the test of goodness of fit for the impact of foreign labourers on the construction of green buildings. The results revealed that all the constructs were statistically significant. Results also found that poor communication leads to accidents, language barriers, a lack of understanding, and poor workmanship badly impacting the projects. Furthermore, a lack of knowledge and education reduces the green building's productivity. Not all foreign labourers are very well experienced in green building construction due to the new concept that they never heard of before in their countries.
SOURCE: 12th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials (ICAMEM2023).
AUTHORS: Vasudevan Gunalaan, Muniyandi Shantha Kumari, Kanniyapan Gunavathy, Lim Eng Hock
SDG: 12, 13
CITATION: Gunalaan, V., Shantha Kumari, M., Gunavathy, K., Hock, L.E. (2024). Water Permeability of Concrete Containing Different Pozzolanic Materials as a Partial Cement Replacement. In: Zhang, L. (eds) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials. ICAMEM 2023. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 307. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-3530-3_25
This research conducts an experimental investigation to determine the water permeability of concrete mixtures containing different pozzolanic materials, namely silica fume, ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and glass powder as a partial cement replacement. The water permeability of concrete was determined following the specifications in DIN 1048, BS EN 12390-8 or EN 19295. The research variables include partial cement replacement with varying percentages of 5, 10, 15 and 20% of different pozzolanic materials. The water–cement ratio in this experiment is 0.53, and the water permeability tests were conducted at 28 days. The typical concrete permeability values of less than eight based on EN 12390, Part B, are considered low permeability, values higher than 20 indicate high permeability, and values between 8 and 20 are moderate permeability. Specimens with small permeability values are less likely to experience water penetration that causes defects, while those with high permeability values are likely to exhibit defects due to water penetration. Information on the water permeability of the concrete containing silica fume, GGBS and glass powder added with admixture is pivotal when incorporating waste materials in concrete work, particularly concerning the concrete’s durability.
SOURCE: International exchange and innovation conference on engineering & sciences (IEICES)
AUTHORS: Nor Sahidah Firman, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki, Ng Wai Tuck, Manoj Kumar Singh, Hom Bahadur Rijal
SDG: 7, 11
CITATION: https://doi.org/10.5109/7323358
Students in naturally ventilated school classrooms are exposed to warmer conditions for extended periods due to intensified heat waves brought on by global warming. This study aims to investigate thermal comfort and assess the overheating risk in three secondary schools in Malaysia. Four classrooms, which consist of students aged 13 to 16 years, were selected, and the thermal environments were measured for one day at each school, simultaneously with questionnaire surveys. Indoor air temperature was found to be higher than the outdoor temperature. A comfort temperature of 29.6 °C was obtained from the Griffiths method, and when feeling a neutral sensation, students much prefer cooler environments. All classrooms exceed the overheating fixed threshold temperature of 28.0 °C at a proportion of less than 13%. Based on the adaptive overheating criteria, the overheating risk was only 2%, indicating no overheating and minimal discomfort. This study provides insight into the overheating scenario in typical school classrooms in a hothumid climate.
SOURCE: Proceedings of international exchange and innovation conference on engineering & sciences (IEICES)
AUTHORS: Muhammad Arif Harun, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki, Ng Wai Tuck, Samsol Faizal Anis, Elmira Jamei, Hom Bahadur Rijal
SDG: 7, 11
CITATION: https://doi.org/10.5109/7323414
Most public schools in Malaysia have courtyards for assemblies and outdoor activities, but the hot and humid climate limits their comfortable usage hours. This study investigates how optimising building configurations with asymmetrical building configurations can effectively enhance comfort hours in school courtyards by taking advantage of sun orientation. This study used a simulation method involving five scenarios with a different aspect ratio from 0.4 to 0.8. Simulations tested five different building arrangements surrounding the courtyard with B1 (East and West buildings) and B2 (North and South buildings). Furthermore, the software was validated with field measurements from a school in Kuala Lumpur. The validation result shows a low root mean square error of 1.4˚C in air temperature. Results indicate that building configuration significantly impacts thermal comfort, with Design 5, the highest buildings (aspect ratio = 0.8) on all sides, providing 4 out of 7 hours of comfort and 30% of the area below a Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) value of 42.0˚C.
SOURCE: e-Bangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
AUTHORS: Sia Mal Kong , Yew Wong Chin, Tan Say Keat, Daniel Ong Zhang Jie, Sia Wen Di
SDG: 3, 12
CITATION: Volume 21, Issue 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.17576/ebangi.2024.2102.28
Global environmental concerns have garnered significant attention in recent times. Concerns about encouraging more ecologically friendly production to lessen the effects of pollution have been raised by industrial operations that cause environmental pollution. The adoption of an environmental management system in Malaysian firms, however, has received little attention. This paper explores the mediating effect of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework on the relationship between ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) and ESG performance of Malaysian companies. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS 4 was employed to assess the relationship through a conceptual model developed for this purpose. A total of 86 completed responses were collected from the targeted respondents in Malaysia of different industries. With ESG framework as a mediator, ISO 14001 EMS has an insignificant relationship with ESG performance, and the R2 value of ESG performance is 0.243. When the ESG framework is removed, ISO 14001 EMS has a significant relationship with ESG performance, and the f-square value is 0.176. This effect size is considered medium. The results provide an empirical proof for Malaysian companies to adopt the ISO 14001 EMS as a business tool, with ESG framework as a mediator in order to enhance their ESG performance. The study’s conclusions highlight the implications of using ISO 14001 EMS as a tool for businesses in Malaysia to improve ESG performance.
SOURCE: International Journal of Business and Technology Management
AUTHORS: Ng Zhi Xin, Wong Foo Yeu, Lee Yee Lin
SDG: 9
CITATION: ZHI XIN, Ng; FOO YEU, Wong; YEE LIN, Lee. Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Towards the Quantity Surveying (QS) Professions: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. S2, p. 212-226, nov. 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/ijbtm/article/view/27928>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2025.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driving force of the fourth technology revolution, and it has become a trend in a variety of professional industries, including the construction sector like BIM. The emergence of ChatGPT has led to numerous research investigating the possibility that using AI chatbots in the workplace will be more productive. Nevertheless, there have been limited studies and no holistic understanding of the feasibility of the new and emerging AI technology in the Quantity surveying (QS) industry. With an assistance of AI chatbot, the role of QS will have significant changes. This research aims to review the existing research on the impacts of AI on QS and if it will eliminate the need for QS. Eighteen (18) relevant journal papers were carefully selected using the PRISMA statement. A thematic analysis was carried out to determine the relevant topic's themes and sub-themes. This study presents three (3) major themes: types, limitations, and impacts, followed by twenty-one (21) sub-themes. The research findings suggest that while AI chatbots have the potential to influence the QS professions, the specific nature and significance of these impacts remain uncertain, warranting further investigation.
SOURCE: International Journal of Business and Technology Management
AUTHORS: Huang Shin Fui, Sia Mal Kong Wong Foo Yeu
SDG: 9
CITATION: SHIN FUI, Huang; MAL KONG, Sia; FOO YEU, Wong. Understanding Personality Typologies in the Built Environment Through a Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. S2, p. 397-412, nov. 2024. ISSN 2682-7646. Available at: <https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/ijbtm/article/view/27947>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2025.
Numerous studies have revealed the personality impacts on career development variables, including career choices, vocational interests, career decision-making and work satisfaction. Despite these advancements, a gap remains in understanding how personality differences impact the construction industry. This paper aims to synthesise research on personality typologies in the built environment by utilising Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a framework. A systematic literature review, guided by the PRISMA 2020 flowchart, analysed 14 scholarly articles. This paper identified a composite profile of effective personality preferences across various built environment roles, including architects, interior designers, project managers, engineers, general construction workers and built environment undergraduates. The findings indicated that individuals in built environment predominantly exhibit Extroversion (E), Thinking (T) and Judging (J) traits. Certain personality types, such as ISTJ and ESTJ were the most frequently observed personality types across the built environment, while ENTP, INFP, ESFJ, ISFJ and ISFP were less common. The greatest difference across construction disciplines were found in their preferences for information-gathering, namely the Sensing/Intuition (S/N) dimension. The implications of these similarities and differences are discussed in both organisational and academic settings. The review also examined how these personality preferences affect teamwork and leadership, project management success, academic performance, work productivity, safety behaviour and risk preferences, creativity and career decision-making. Assuming that certain personality types can be attracted to a certain field or profession, the implications of these findings extend to practical applications for employers in retaining individuals with specific personality types. This paper contributes significantly to the temporal development of personality research by elucidating the personality distribution in the built environment over the past decade (2013-2023). This paper also demonstrates the utility of MBTI as a personality assessment tool in guiding undergraduates seeking alignment with their professional interests.
AUTHORS: Zarita Ahmad Baharum, Kien Hwa Ting, Sharuzaman Mohd Salleh
SDG: 4
CITATION: Baharum, Zarita & Ting, Kien Hwa & Salleh, Sharuzaman. (2025). Skills and Competency in the Malaysian Property Management Industry.
This book delves into Malaysia's multifaceted world of property management, exploring the skills and competencies essential for success in this dynamic field. As the Malaysian property market continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly vital for property managers to possess diverse skills and competencies to navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities. This comprehensive guide is designed to provide a deep understanding of the key aspects of property management specific to the Malaysian context. From regulatory frameworks to cultural nuances, and economic trends to technological advancements, each chapter offers valuable insights into the intricacies of property management in Malaysia. We aim to equip both aspiring and seasoned property professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in their roles. Whether you are a property manager, investor, developer, or industry stakeholder, this book serves as a valuable resource for enhancing your understanding of the Malaysian property market and honing your skills to thrive in this competitive industry. Through a blend of theoretical concepts, practical case studies, and expert perspectives, "Skill and Competency in the Malaysian Property Management Industry" provides readers with actionable insights and best practices that can be applied in real-world scenarios. We delve into topics such as regulatory compliance, financial management, tenant relations, sustainability practices, and more, offering a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of property management in Malaysia. We extend our gratitude to the Ministry of Finance that funded this research through the NAPREC Research Grant, industry experts, and practitioners whose expertise and insights have enriched the content of this book. Their dedication to advancing the field of property management in Malaysia is evident in the depth and breadth of knowledge presented within these pages. As you embark on this journey through the Malaysian property management landscape, we encourage you to approach each chapter with curiosity and an open mind. May this book serve as a valuable companion in your quest for excellence in the Malaysian property management industry.
AUTHORS: Zarita Ahmad Baharum, Kien Hwa Ting, Sharuzaman Mohd Salleh
SDG: 8
CITATION: Baharum, Zarita & Ting, Kien Hwa & Salleh, Sharuzaman. (2025). REAL ESTATE AGENCY PRACTICES IN MALAYSIA: FUTURE DIRECTION.
This book is the culmination of extensive research, practical insights, and foresight into the evolving landscape of real estate practices in Malaysia. As the industry continues to adapt to changing market dynamics, technological advancements, and regulatory developments, it has become imperative for real estate professionals to stay ahead of the curve. In this book, we delve into the current state of real estate agency practices in Malaysia and provide a comprehensive analysis of the trends shaping the future of the industry. From digital transformation and sustainable development to evolving consumer preferences, we explore the diverse factors influencing the direction of real estate agencies in Malaysia. Through in-depth case studies, expert interviews, and thought-provoking analysis, we aim to equip industry practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the dynamic landscape of real estate agency practices in Malaysia. We sincerely hope this book serves as a valuable resource for all vested in the future of real estate in Malaysia and inspires proactive strategies that will drive the industry forward. We extend our gratitude to all the contributors and individuals who have supported the creation of this book. We extend our gratitude to the National Real Property Research Coordinator (NAPREC), Valuation & Property Services Department, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia who has funded this research, the respondents and the panel of experts whose insights and dedication have enriched this work. It is our sincere hope that this book catalyses thoughtful discussions, informed decision-making, and transformative actions that will shape the future of real estate agency practices in Malaysia.
SOURCE: The Star
AUTHORS: Assist Prof Dr Sr Tham Kuen-Wei
SDG: 4, 11. 16
Some unqualified property managers claim that a building manager is responsible solely for coordinating the maintenance and upkeep of common areas, while a property manager merely acts as an intermediary between tenants and landlords. This oversimplification misrepresents the comprehensive role of a property manager. According to the Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act 1981, a property manager’s responsibilities include enforcing lease agreements, preparing budgets, monitoring expenditures, advising on property decisions, and managing maintenance and facilities. Property managers registered with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Malaysia are proficient in lease valuation, provide valuable advisory services, and possess essential knowledge of real estate law, market conditions, and the relevant by-laws. This expertise is especially important when managing commercial properties. Graduates in estate/property management are trained in property valuation, estate agency operations, and related fields, enabling them to practise in one or more areas. It is therefore unfortunate that some unqualified parties mislead the public by suggesting that valuers are only trained to perform property valuations. In Malaysia, the property management industry is well established through a robust combination of education, practice, and industry standards. Higher education institutions such as Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TARUMT), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), University of Reading Malaysia, University of Malaya-Wales, etc offer professional degree programmes in estate or property management. Many of these universities collaborate closely with industry experts and the senior experienced professionals are appointed as external examiners as part of the university accreditation framework. Several professional bodies have also been established to uphold high standards in the property management sector. For instance, the Malaysian Institute of Property and Facility Managers (MIPFM), Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM), and the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents, and Property Consultants in the Private Sector Malaysia (PEPS). With the demand for effective property management continuing to rise, these institutions are essential in cultivating the expertise necessary to manage properties professionally, efficiently and sustainably, thereby contributing to the nation’s economic growth. It is also important to note that various international organisations recognise Malaysia’s property management education standards. For instance, TARUMT and UM’s real estate management degree programmes are both recognised and accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). However, RICS does not recognise any degree specifically titled “building management.” So, how can we expect a building manager trained solely in building maintenance to navigate the complexities of the industry without the technical, legal and professional knowledge required? How can building managers without such expertise give advice on operations such as tenancy management, leasing, rental rates and the relevant regulations and by-laws? Calling the profession a monopoly is unjustified. If this were the case, then all lawyers, accountants and doctors would be monopolistic in their own accord. It is not logical to dumb down to meet the requirements of non-professionals who lack the formal education, training and regulatory procedures required. Moreover, the shift towards self-regulation in property management and proposals to establish a new board of building managers to admit non-professionals — those without the required education and technical knowledge — has unfortunately coincided with an increase in reports of corruption, abuse of power, unauthorised activities like illegal homestays, partitioning of strata properties without approval, and the lobbying of unlicensed individuals seeking to create a professional body for managing properties.These issues have proliferated in properties lacking professional management, and the proposal to create a board comprising non-professionals will not effectively address these systemic problems. What Malaysia truly needs are stricter regulations and an end to the employment of unqualified property managers.
SOURCE: The Edge Property
AUTHORS: Asst Prof Dr Sr Tham Kuen-Wei
SDG: 4, 8, 11, 16
Introducing a new board of property managers doesn’t address any issues but instead opens doors to individuals lacking the education, credentials and qualifications required for property management. The only parties who would benefit are unlicensed, profit-driven individuals and cronies of contractors.
Earlier, I have responded to Dr Foo Chee Hung’s article dated Sept 20, titled "Property manager vs building manager — Are they the same?", which claimed that a building manager is solely responsible for coordinating the maintenance and upkeep of common areas, while a property manager merely acts as an intermediary between tenants and landlords. In my article “Stricter regulation in property management needed”, I explained the professional roles, bodies, education and training required of a registered property manager.
In a second article titled “Separate board of property managers needed to address current weaknesses”, Foo claimed that "valuers-cum-property managers" lack experience in dealing with building maintenance regulations and rely heavily on contractors or site supervisors for routine maintenance.
However, he never responded to the education, training and institutional requirements supporting the valuation and property management professions, nor did he address the redundancy of a new board in which members would be without proper educational frameworks, professional institutions, qualifications and regulatory support. He also never provided proof or facts how a separate board without the skills and qualifications would resolve any issue.
Professional training regulated by BOVAEP
Let me clarify: valuers and real estate professionals regulated by the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEP) undergo extensive assessments of their professional competency. To even qualify for professional assessment, one must have a degree accredited by BOVAEP, where real estate professionals study everything related to property—including property management, building maintenance, valuation, agency and property laws. They must then complete a minimum of several years of training with a registered person, keeping logbooks of their experience, before being eligible to sit for the demanding professional interview.
As mentioned previously, in Malaysia, the property management industry is well established through a robust combination of education, practice and industry standards. Higher education institutions such as Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TARUMT), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), University of Reading Malaysia, University of Malaya-Wales, etc offer professional degree programmes in estate or property management. Many of these universities collaborate closely with industry experts and the senior experienced professionals are appointed as external examiners as part of the university accreditation framework.
Several professional bodies have also been established to uphold high standards in the property management sector, for instance, the Malaysian Institute of Property and Facility Managers (MIPFM), Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM), and the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents, and Property Consultants in the Private Sector Malaysia (PEPS). With the increasing demand for effective property management, these institutions are essential in cultivating the expertise necessary to manage properties professionally, efficiently and sustainably, thereby contributing to the nation’s economic growth.
It is also important to note that various international organisations recognise Malaysia’s property management education standards. For instance, TARUMT and UM’s real estate management degree programmes are both recognised and accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
Introducing a new board of property managers to admit non-professionals without such rigorous assessment and educational support is detrimental. It doesn’t address any issues but instead opens doors to individuals lacking the education, credentials and qualifications required for property management. The only parties who would benefit are unlicensed, profit-driven individuals and cronies of contractors—certainly not the general public or the real estate profession.
Lowering qualification is not solution to shortage of professionals
In the most recent article, Foo claimed there is a critical shortage of property managers in the country, with a ratio of one firm for every 38 strata schemes or 2,662 strata units. However, if we look at the numbers in other sectors, the issue isn’t as simple as Foo suggests. According to the Malaysian Bar, there are 23,645 lawyers and 7,323 legal firms in Malaysia—one lawyer for every 1,353 Malaysians and one legal firm for every 4,370 Malaysians. Similarly, the Ministry of Health reports 9,726 specialists in 29 specialties serving the Ministry's facilities, translating to one specialist for every 3,290 Malaysians.
Based on Foo’s logic, we would need a separate board for conveyancers to allow individuals to practise conveyancing without a law degree, and doctors to practise medicine without a medical degree as there is a dire need of conveyancers and doctors. It is certainly misguided to portray the profession in such a way. Does it mean we should lower the bar for specialists, lawyers, and in this case, property managers, by establishing a new board that lacks the education, skill, knowledge, experience, institutional support by universities, professional bodies, accreditations, professional assessments and regulations that have been in place since 1981?
Separate board could lead to illegal practices
I’ve already provided clear examples of why knowledge of valuation and agency is essential in property management, particularly when managing commercial buildings and complex properties. Creating a separate board for building managers is a waste of public funds and time, and it will not improve the status quo. In fact, it will only contribute to the proliferation of illegal property managers, leading to issues such as illegal homestays, corruption, potential monopolistic practices by interested parties and poor management.
What is needed is stricter regulation of property management in all areas. At the same time, the Malaysian government should encourage education in property management in Malaysia through existing BOVAEP-accredited degree programmes. There are dozens of universities offering formal education in real estate management. This will increase the number of qualified and experienced property managers who can manage not only residential properties but also commercial and complex properties like airports, hotels and office buildings.
BOVAEP provides for property management since inception
Lastly, another factual error by Foo is his claim that BOVAEP under Act 242 was never intended to cover property management until 2018. This is incorrect, as the Act has included provisions for property management since its inception in 1981, far earlier than 2018. In fact, the Malaysian Property Management Standards, in its first edition, was published by BOVAEP in 2010. This shows that Foo lacks the understanding of the relevant by-laws in property management, which all registered valuers will certainly be aware of.
I strongly encourage Malaysians, including Foo, who are not yet licensed with BOVAEP, to pursue accredited real estate degrees at institutions such as TARUMT, UM, UiTM, UTM, UTHM, Reading University, or any other universities accredited by BOVAEP. These programmes provide essential training in property management laws and regulations, including critical areas such as valuation and agency laws. This will assist Foo in clarifying his many factual errors and understanding the Malaysian Property Management Standards, which he is not aware of. This initiative will certainly help to address the shortage of experienced and professional property managers in the country.
At the same time, the Malaysian government should strongly reject the redundant proposal for a separate board of building managers, which wastes public funds to accommodate unqualified individuals. Instead, our hard-earned taxes would have been better redirected towards scholarships, enabling more young Malaysians to pursue studies and become professional property managers.
SOURCE: The Edge Property
AUTHORS: Assist Prof Dr Sr Tham Kuen-Wei
SDG: 4, 11. 16
In Malaysia, the property management industry is well established through a robust combination of education, practice, and industry standards. Several professional bodies have also been established to uphold high standards in the property management sector.
Some unqualified property managers claim that a building manager is responsible solely for coordinating the maintenance and upkeep of common areas, while a property manager merely acts as an intermediary between tenants and landlords. This oversimplification misrepresents the comprehensive role of a property manager.
According to the Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act 1981, a property manager’s responsibilities include enforcing lease agreements, preparing budgets, monitoring expenditures, advising on property decisions, and managing maintenance and facilities. Property managers registered with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Malaysia are proficient in lease valuation, provide valuable advisory services, and possess essential knowledge of real estate law, market conditions, and the relevant by-laws. This expertise is especially important when managing commercial properties.
Graduates in estate/property management are trained in property valuation, estate agency operations, and related fields, enabling them to practise in one or more areas. It is therefore unfortunate that some unqualified parties mislead the public by suggesting that valuers are only trained to perform property valuations.
In Malaysia, the property management industry is well established through a robust combination of education, practice, and industry standards. Higher education institutions such as Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TARUMT), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), University of Reading Malaysia, University of Malaya-Wales, etc offer professional degree programmes in estate or property management. Many of these universities collaborate closely with industry experts and the senior experienced professionals are appointed as external examiners as part of the university accreditation framework.
Several professional bodies have also been established to uphold high standards in the property management sector. For instance, the Malaysian Institute of Property and Facility Managers (MIPFM), Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM), and the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents, and Property Consultants in the Private Sector Malaysia (PEPS).
With the demand for effective property management continuing to rise, these institutions are essential in cultivating the expertise necessary to manage properties professionally, efficiently and sustainably, thereby contributing to the nation’s economic growth.
It is also important to note that various international organisations recognise Malaysia’s property management education standards. For instance, TARUMT and UM’s real estate management degree programmes are both recognised and accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
However, RICS does not recognise any degree specifically titled “building management.” So, how can we expect a building manager trained solely in building maintenance to navigate the complexities of the industry without the technical, legal and professional knowledge required? How can building managers without such expertise give advice on operations such as tenancy management, leasing, rental rates and the relevant regulations and by-laws?
Calling the profession a monopoly is unjustified. If this were the case, then all lawyers, accountants and doctors would be monopolistic in their own accord. It is not logical to dumb down to meet the requirements of non-professionals who lack the formal education, training and regulatory procedures required.
Moreover, the shift towards self-regulation in property management and proposals to establish a new board of building managers to admit non-professionals — those without the required education and technical knowledge — has unfortunately coincided with an increase in reports of corruption, abuse of power, unauthorised activities like illegal homestays, partitioning of strata properties without approval, and the lobbying of unlicensed individuals seeking to create a professional body for managing properties.
These issues have proliferated in properties lacking professional management, and the proposal to create a board comprising non-professionals will not effectively address these systemic problems. What Malaysia truly needs are stricter regulations and an end to the employment of unqualified property managers.
SOURCE: EdgeProp
AUTHORS: Prof PMgr Dr Ting Kien Hwa
SDG: 4
In what way could a new unproven board offer solutions when Rehda and PPK members are already admitted as registered property managers under BOVAEP and its representatives are board members of BOVAEP?
The current debate on the property management-building management issue can be examined from the public policy perspective. The proposal to establish a rival regulatory Board of Building Managers (BOBM) versus the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEP) by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) impinges on public policy affecting the property management industry.
Public policy refers to the decisions, actions and programmes implemented by governments to address societal issues or achieve specific goals. The creation of a new regulatory board is a deliberate government action aimed at influencing behaviour, regulating industries or protecting public interests. It falls within the purview of public policy as it involves the formulation and implementation of rules and regulations that have significant implications for society. The affected stakeholders are the graduates of property management, strata property owners, tenants, occupiers, joint management bodies (JMBs), management corporations (MCs), property management professionals, professional bodies, etc.
The establishment of a rival regulatory board, while intended to address certain perceived shortcomings, can also introduce new challenges and weaknesses. Here are some potential drawbacks:
1. Increased costs and inefficiencies
With a significant overlap between the functions and roles of property management and building management, the two bodies may duplicate their regulatory efforts, leading to increased costs for both agencies and the professional practice they regulate.
The two different boards may adopt conflicting or overlapping regulations, creating confusion and uncertainty for the practising professionals, strata management bodies, Commissioner of Building (COB), etc. Why reinvent the wheel when the current regulatory system has already been in place since 1981?
Competition between the two boards can lead to bureaucratic conflicts and a lack of cooperation, hindering effective regulations with dire consequences on the well-being of strata owners, tenants and users.
2. Regulatory capture
The new regulatory board itself could be captured by special interests or specific industry groups, thereby defeating the purpose of its creation. The proposal on BOBM is led by developers with vested interest and the proposed board smacks of conflicts of interest. In contrast, BOVAEP is a semi-statutory body supported by the Federal Department of Valuation and Property Services, the National Institute of Valuation (Inspen) and National Property Information Centre (Napic). As a public body, the impartiality of BOVAEP is clear. Why is there a need to transfer some of the property management functions of a public entity to a new board which is controlled by the private sector, especially developers?
3. Undermining public trust
The existence of two regulatory bodies can create confusion and uncertainty among the public, eroding trust in the regulatory system introduced by the Government. The perception of duplication and inefficiency can lead to a loss of public confidence in the government's ability to regulate effectively.
4. Regulatory overreach
The creation of a new regulatory board could lead to increased regulatory burdens on JMBs and MCs. The professionals and management committees of strata properties will need to report to two boards.
With building management being a subset of property management, the two agencies may have overlapping jurisdictions, leading to conflicting regulations and unnecessary monitoring costs resulting in inefficiencies and waste of public funds.
The unnecessary competition between professionals will stifle growth and innovation in the property management industry hindering the competitiveness of the real estate industry in the Asian region.
5. Political motivations
The establishment of a rival regulatory board could be motivated by political considerations rather than genuine concerns about regulatory effectiveness. Political motivations may lead to short-term policy decisions that do not address the root causes of regulatory problems. It is questionable why the Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia (Rehda) and Malaysia Shopping Mall Management Association (PPK), having been board members of BOVAEP since 2018, need to request for the establishment of a separate new board while suggestions and recommendations from them could have been offered for deliberations and implementations by BOVAEP for the well-being of the industry.
6. Unproven to be effective
The creation of a new regulatory board may simply reinforce existing problems or create new ones, rather than addressing the underlying issues. The new agency may be constrained by the same factors that have limited the effectiveness of the existing regulatory regime. In what way could a new unproven board offer solutions when Rehda and PPK members are already admitted as registered property managers under BOVAEP and its representatives are board members of BOVAEP?
Weigh drawbacks against benefits
In conclusion, while the establishment of a rival regulatory board may be seen as a potential solution to certain regulatory challenges, it is important to carefully consider the potential drawbacks and weigh them against the expected benefits. A more effective approach may be to reform the existing regulatory system or to create a more collaborative and coordinated regulatory framework, which the current BOVAEP is practising with an inclusive approach.
AUTHORS: Prof PMgr Dr Ting Kien Hwa
SDG: 9
The Malaysian economy has gone from the doldrums to being a juggernaut, which has posed many challenges to the health care industry-especially hospitals. Public hospitals in Malaysia have faced an uphill task in upgrading health care services to levels compatible with international standards. In this book, Hong Poh Fan, a senior adviser on facility management for a hospital developer, explores the transition that public hospitals have undertaken with the support of the private sector. The author zeroes in on critical issues, including: - successes and challenges of privatization implementation; - hospital experiences in a Southeast Asian context and how those experiences can be applied elsewhere; and - ways that private development of hospitals has changed over time as well as the rationale of privatization. When people think of what the hospital industry needs, they often focus on having enough doctors and nurses, but when facilities management is lacking, services can be compromised no matter how employees are working at a facility. Join the author as he shares lessons learned over a fifteen-year period of hospital privatization in this detailed examination of how to improve health care.
SOURCE: Advances in Civil Engineering
AUTHORS: Tee How Tan, Kim Hung Mo, Jiayi Lin & Chiu Chuen Onn
SDG: 7
CITATION: Tee How Tan, Kim Hung Mo, Jiayi Lin, Chiu Chuen Onn, "An Overview of the Utilization of Common Waste as an Alternative Fuel in the Cement Industry", Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2023, Article ID 7127007, 17 pages, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/7127007
As concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials, there is a massive production of cement, which causes cement manufacturing to be an energy-intensive industry. A significant amount of the cost of cement production, ranging from 20% to 25%, is attributed to thermal energy. In addition, the action of mining and burning fossil fuels results in the unfavorable emission of hazardous compounds into the environment. Therefore, the switch from conventional fossil fuels to alternative fuels (AFs) in the cement manufacturing business has attracted attention due to environmental and financial concerns. In this paper, four commonly used AFs are discussed, which are waste tires, municipal solid waste, meat and bone meal, and sewage sludge. It is found that each AF has a unique calorific value and properties, attributed to its source, treatment, and technology. Furthermore, the availability of AF is important as the amount varies depending on the location. In addition, their effects on gaseous emissions from the cement plant and the quality of clinker are found to be inconsistent. Thus, there will not be a single best type of AF option to be used in the cement industry. A good AF should be able to provide sufficient thermal energy while reducing the environmental impacts and costs. A careful analysis and multicriteria decision-making approach are always vital when employing AFs in order to prevent environmental problems, cost increases, as well as clinker quality degradation.
AUTHORS: Chin Tiong Cheng, Gabriel Hoh Teck Ling, Hon-Choong Chin & Pau Chung Leng
SDG: 11
CITATION: Cheng, C.T.; Ling, G.H.T.; Chin, H.-C.; Leng, P.C. Effects of Multifaceted Street Art on Price Premium of Pre War Commercial Buildings: The Case of Georgetown UNESCO World Heritage Site. Land 2023, 12, 626. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12030626
Street art is promoted in most countries to intensify the cultural elements of the cityscape. Although street art provides cultural and social values, its impact on the prices of prewar historic property is still unknown. Therefore, an empirical study that examines the relationship between prewar shophouse prices and street art is needed to improve real estate professionals’ understanding of the historic preservation market. Using pre- and post-models for the years 2009 to 2019, this study systematically determined the actual location of 119 street art objects (in the form of sculptures and murals) and the 852 prewar shophouses sold in George Town, Penang. The price change of prewar shophouses correlates with the number of street art objects within 100 m, 500 m, and 1000 m of the properties. Due to the heterogeneous characteristics of the properties, six primary hedonic models were developed to extract the price premium of street art. This study has shown the impact of street art on a prewar commercial building, where an additional unit of sculpture could increase its price by 8.32%, 1.62%, and 0.74%, based on radii of 100 m, 500 m, and 1000 m, respectively, in the post-model (after 2012–2019). However, a mural painting has no significant effect on the price change of prewar shophouses. In addition, the position of street art (representing visibility) in the model was tested. The result shows that, unlike sculptures that were located at the back of prewar houses, such street art effects contributed positively to the price premium when they were located at the front of the buildings, with each additional unit of sculpture increasing the price premium of prewar houses by 1.13%. Sculptures as street art thus created a positive externality for the city, particularly with respect to the price premium for prewar shophouses.
SOURCE: International Journal of Housing Markets & Analysis
AUTHORS: Chin Tiong Cheng & Gabriel Hoh Teck Ling
SDG: 11
CITATION: Cheng, C.T. and Teck Ling, G.H. (2023), "Examining key macroeconomic determinants of serviced apartments price index: the case of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHMA-10-2022-0162
Increasing overhang of serviced apartments poses a serious concern to the national property market. This study aims to examine the impacts of macroeconomic determinants, namely, gross domestic product (GDP), consumer confidence index (CF), existing stocks (ES), incoming supply (IS) and completed project (CP) on serviced apartment price changes.
SOURCE: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners or Planning Malaysia
AUTHORS: Chin Tiong Cheng & Hon Choong Chin
SDG: 11
CITATION: Cheng, C.T.; Chin, H.-C. Concern over property value: Will the sitting of petrochemical hub influencing housing price? Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners or Planning Malaysia 2023, 21(3), 1-10. https://planningmalaysia.org/index.php/pmj/article/view/1280/961
Malaysia is a major exporter for petrochemical products. In line with this, the petrochemical industry is experiencing continuous growth and expansion. This study intends to examine the effect of the establishment of petrochemical hub on nearby housing price. Using residential transaction data of year 2016-2022 nearby Gebeng Industrial Area, we analyse the effect of the sitting of petrochemical hub via hedonic models. Our result indicates that the sitting of petrochemical hub will influence the housing price in which those located nearby will experience higher appreciation in property prices. This study is essential inclea ring the doubt that housing price will be negatively influenced by petrochemical hub. Our findings further indicate that there is a need to educate local residents on the impact of the industry cluster on their house, in mitigating local opposition due to concern over declination of housing price due to the sitting of petrochemical hub.
SOURCE: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
AUTHORS: Nur F. A. M. Lehan & Khairul H. Kamarudin
SDG: 11
CITATION: Nur F. A. M. Lehan and Khairul H. Kamarudin 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1264 012001
DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1264/1/012001
Malaysia's Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 Strategic Thrust 1 stated that the business and industry ecosystem to be strengthened and expected to contribute almost 50% of the country's GDP. This agenda is indeed in line with Goal 11 of UN-SDG that aims to develop sustainable and resilient cities and communities by 2030. However, due to the result of the global pandemic in 2020, many micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), particularly tourism-services oriented, were heavily affected and, unfortunately, the last to recover. The industry suffered a significant decline in revenue due to halting of operations, travel bans, and lockdowns resulting in delays to the continuity plan of business operations. As a result, there was a reduction in workforce and some of MSMEs were forced to cease their operations. Based on questionnaire-guided interviews of 53 respondents, this paper firstly will deliberate extensive review of the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on MSMEs in East Malaysia state of Sabah, particularly in tourism-centric regions of Kundasang and Kota Belud areas. Secondly, the explanation of smart GIS solutions through network analyses, in helping MSMEs rejuvenate their business operations as soon as possible during and after the disaster events. The results from GIS Network Analysis for disaster event simulation and outputs show that each case study region reflected differently according to different disaster types and intensities. From the outputs, the study proposed an integrated framework consisting of MSMEs' capital of economic, social, and environmental problem-solving phase, together with an operational framework of Disaster-Business Continuity Plan (DBCP).
SOURCE: The Property Manager
AUTHOR: Alan Chong Kim Wing
SDG: 11
CITATION: Chong, K.W. Green Lease Benefits and Implementation Challenges 2023. The Property Manager Vol. 5 (4) pp.20-25.
Gold Medal (TVET IDEAS) iCompEx 2024
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan;
Dr Shantha Kumari;
Dr Gunavathy Kanniyapan
Company / Institution Name: Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (POLIMAS)
The 13th International Invention, Innovation & Design Competition (INDES 2024)
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan;
Dr Shantha Kumari;
Dr Gunavathy Kanniyapan
Company / Institution Name: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Gold Awards in Innovation (Technology Category) BIIIC 2024
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan
Company / Institution Name: Kolej Vokasional Bintulu
2nd Runner Up Innovation (Technology Category) BIIIC 2024
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan
Company / Institution Name: Kolej Vokasional Bintulu
Gold Medal (Innovation) iCompEx 2024
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan;
Dr Shantha Kumari;
Dr Gunavathy Kanniyapan
Company / Institution Name: Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (POLIMAS)
3rd Place (Innovation) Class B iCompEx 2024
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan;
Dr Shantha Kumari;
Dr Gunavathy Kanniyapan
Company / Institution Name: Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (POLIMAS)
Outstanding Science and Technology Innovation (IIIPC 2024)
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan
Company / Institution Name: Centre for Business Incubation & Entrepreneurial Ventures (CBIEV)
Best Oral Presentation award ACEER 2024
Ts. Gunalaan Vasudevan
Company / Institution Name: The 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research
"Sustainable Schools Initiative-Empowering Future Builders At Sekolah Kebangsaan Wangsa Maju Seksyen 2
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP)
Date: 17th October 2023 – 13th December 2023 *pre-briefing at school: 29 Sep 2023
Project leader: Ts. Ng Teck Wei
Team member:
1. Ms Nafisah Binti Ya'cob @ Ya'acob
2. Dr Tan Tee How
3. Ts. Wong Foo Yeu
4. Ts. Hashdi Bin Abdul Muid
5. Ts. Dr Wong Wai Fang
6. Sr Dr Nur Fadzlina Aini Bt Mohmad Lehan
7. Ms Rozilah Binti Talib
8. Dr Lai Kong Seng8.
9. Sr Pang Khai Shuen
10. Ir. Low Yei Hua, CIOBM
11. Ts. Go Chee Siang, CIOBM
Main organiser: Faculty of Built Environment (FOBE, TAR UMT)
Co-organiser: Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Malaysia
Fund: RM13,560 by Wawasan Properties Development (M) Sdn Bhd (MOA signing in Q4 2023)
"How to calculate embodied carbon?”
Online Lecture by Prof Dr John Orr (Adjunct Professor of TAR UMT)
Date: 10 July 2024
Participants: FOBE Students & Staff, and External participants (93 pax)
Main Organisers:
Centre for Construction Research (TAR UMT)
Centre for BIM Research (TAR UMT)
"Empowering Sustainability Through Digital Solutions In The Built Environment"
FOBE Symposium
Date: 12 November 2024
Participants: FOBE Students & Staff, and External participants (102 pax)
Main Organisers:
Centre for Real Estate Research (TAR UMT)
Centre for Construction Research (TAR UMT)
Centre for BIM Research (TAR UMT)
SOURCE: Planning Malaysia: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners
AUTHORS: Noor Farhana Akrisha Ishak, Zarita Ahmad@Baharum, Ting Kien Hwa, Yasmin Mohd Adnan, Norulelin Huri
SDG: 3
CITATION: Ishak, N. F. A., Ahmad@Baharum, Z., Hwa, T. K., Mohd Adnan, Y., & Huri, N. (2024). SECULAR TRENDS IN PROPERTY OVERHANG IN MALAYSIAN RESIDENTIAL AND SERVICED APARTMENTS. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 22(32). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v22i32.1515
In 2022, property overhang residential and serviced apartments recorded 51, 724 units valued at RM38.6 billion. Property overhang occurred when the excessive supply of property stocks in 2017 caused a drastic increase of overhangs, which is 31,102 units then carried forward to 2018, continuing to rise in the housing market. This scenario cannot be taken lightly by the government. Hence, this study aims to explore the secular trend in property overhang in Malaysian residential and serviced apartments over the past ten years. Data property overhang in the years 2013 to 2022 was obtained from the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC). The data property overhang will be analysed using time series analysis based on (1) state, (2) type of property, and (3) price range. Then, this study reveals that the top three (3) overhang residential and serviced apartment properties are in Johor (19,390 units), Federal Territory Kuala Lumpur (9,441 units), and Selangor (6,624 units). Condominiums/Apartments and serviced apartments are the highest type of overhang properties with a price range of RM500,001 – RM1,000,000. Thus, this study provides insight into the market performance of overhang residential and serviced apartment properties in Malaysia. This data will be used to examine the factors that influence the overhang of these properties.